Holiday 2022: Top holiday gift-giving personalities, defined

Holiday shoppers are most likely to identify as researchers or deal seekers
When it comes to gifting for the holidays, shoppers display a wide array of personalities that impact the ways in which they shop and the products they buy. Many of us can identify with these approaches because we know someone like this … or are someone like this.
In our 2022 Holiday Look Ahead survey, we asked respondents to identify the personality that best describes how they approach gift buying during the holiday season. Shoppers were most likely to identify as researchers (21%) who take the time to find the perfect gift or deal seekers (19%) who seek out sales and deals. About one in 10 consider themselves explorers (focused on finding unique gifts), minimalists (shop quickly and at the fewest possible stores), dazzlers (surprise and delight with extravagant gifts) or proactive purchasers (shop year round). Only 7% primarily give gift cards (you-do-it-yourselfers) and 4% give homemade gifts (makers).
DIY gifts come from younger adults
Homemade gifts are most likely to come from younger adults. Of those that identify as makers, 34% are millennials and 30% are Gen Z.
Gen X is more likely to be deal seeking
Of those who identify as deal seekers, nearly one in three (31%) are Gen X, compared to only 13% Gen Zers.
Surprise-and-delight excites younger shoppers
Dazzlers are most likely to be millennials (37%) or Gen Z (29%) versus baby boomers (11%) and Gen X (22%).

Source: Bread Financial, Holiday Look Ahead survey, September 2022.